Invitation to Attend the Extra Ordinary Assembly Meeting | Ooredoo corporate

Invitation to Attend the Extra Ordinary Assembly Meeting

07 December 2023 Global

Dear Shareholder,

The Board of Directors has the pleasure of inviting you to attend the Extra Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Ooredoo Q.P.S.C, which will be held on Wednesday 27th of December 2023, at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be held in Ooredoo Main Headquarters in West Bay and via Zoom.

If there is no quorum, an alternative date will be Sunday 31st December 2023, at the same time and place mentioned above.

Agenda of the Extra Ordinary Meeting:

1-Approval of the amendment of Article (8), Article (22), Article (26) and Article (27) of the Company’s Articles of Association by changing Qatar Holding company to become Qatar Investment Authority.

2-Approval of the amendment of Article (62) of the Articles of Association:


Article (62) before the amendment:

“2 - The General Assembly shall deduct a part of the profit to face the Company’s obligation under Labor Laws.

The Ordinary General Assembly may, on the recommendation of the Board, decide to deduct parts of net profits to be allocated into an optional reserve account, this reserve is used on areas decided by the General Assembly, then an amount sufficient for distributing initial dividends to the Shareholders equal to at least five percent (5%) of the paid part of their shares shall be deducted from the net profits. If in any year, the profits realized would not allow for such distribution of Dividends from the profits of any subsequent years.

The Ordinary General Assembly may delegate the Board the power to distribute Semi-Annual Dividends on account of the final Dividends among the Shareholders based on the results of the Semi-Annual audited financial statements provided that such distribution shall be made with the consent of and in accordance with terms approved by the Department of Trade Affairs of the Ministry of Economy and Trade.”


“2 - The General Assembly shall deduct a part of the profit to face the Company’s obligation under Labor Laws.

The Ordinary General Assembly may, on the recommendation of the Board, decide to deduct parts of net profits to be allocated into an optional reserve account, this reserve is used on areas decided by the General Assembly, then an amount sufficient for distributing initial dividends to the Shareholders equal to at least five percent (5%) of the paid part of their shares shall be deducted from the net profits. If in any year, the profits realized would not allow for such distribution of Dividends from the profits of any subsequent years.

The Ordinary General Assembly may delegate the Board the power to distribute interim dividends (quarterly or semi-annual) during the year, in accordance with the regulations of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority and the provisions of the Commercial Companies Law promulgated by Law No. (11) of 2015 and its amendments by Law No. (8) of 2021.”


You can view the amendments mentioned above on the following link



  • Shareholders are requested to arrive for registration one hour early.
  • A shareholder who cannot attend the Ordinary and Extra Ordinary General Assembly Meetings in person may appoint a proxy to represent him.
  • Only shareholders, whose names have been registered in the company’s shareholder register with the Exchanges after closing of business on Wednesday 27th of December 2023, are eligible to attend the Meetings.
  • Shareholders should bring with them relevant documents proving their ownership of the shares they claim to hold.
  • The announcement posted in local newspapers, on the Qatar Stock Exchange website, and the Company’s website, will be official to all shareholders, as no invitations will be sent through the post, according to stipulations of article (121) of Commercial Companies Law.
  • The meetings will be conducted in Arabic.